Korall hero image.jpg

Does it bark? Does it meow? Is it furry, playful, and sweet? If yes is the answer to any of these questions, then Korall is on board! Korall is a talented teen with a big love for animals and she wanted to share that with potential families.

The MARE team met up with Korall at an animal shelter so she could interact with some dogs and cats and tell us more about her interests, talents, and what really makes Korall the amazing person that she is.

Tune in for Korall’s Kritter Korner!

Korall celebrates how each animal is unique. She loves how they all have their own personalities, strengths, and character traits. She looks forward to one day adopting animals of her own. “Five cats and five dogs,” she jokes.

Korall loves animals so much, she wants to volunteer and help out animals. Her passion for animals and her desire to help them highlights how much empathy this teen has and her amazing capacity to connect.

Korall animal quote.jpg Korall has a real soft spot for animals.

Her craving for connection doesn’t stop with animals. “I love to connect with people” says Korall. She has been waiting for her people - a forever family - for a while now. It’s high time the right family comes forward for this animal-loving teen.

As she has been waiting, Korall has had the opportunity to meet other MARE youth. “Every MARE kid that I meet is so unique,” says Korall. “They have their own personalities and they’re good at certain things. Like me… I’m good at drawing.”

Korall Art 2.jpg Korall’s favorite subject to draw is no surprise… animals!

Korall’s artwork is extra creative. She enjoys drawing cats, dogs, and snakes the most. But she doesn’t limit her drawings to creatures that currently exist. She comes up with her own ideas for hybrid animals and imagines what they would look like. A fox/rabbit? A giraffe/zebra? How about an eagle/horse combo? Korall could dream it up and draw it out!

Korall Art 1.jpg Art isn’t just a hobby for Korall, it’s a coping skill, too.

The most beautiful picture Korall could ever draw would be one with her and the family that will love her and care for her always. So, are you an animal lover like Korall? While furry family members aren’t a requirement, Korall does need two parents who are experienced and will help her be her very best. She needs parents who will nurture all of her wonderful traits like empathy, a giving heart, and a friendly demeanor and will foster her many talents such as drawing. And if the home has a pet or two (or 10 like Korall joked about), well, that would be quite perfect.