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There’s a new rookie on the scene to keep your eye on. Aiden is a football fanatic and he’s got the skills to back it up. He’s in the early stages of his high school football career, but he has his sights set on playing for U of M one day. After the last notes of “Hail to the Victor” have played on his college football days, he hopes to be scouted and play for the NFL. Any team will do, but you won’t hear complaints if the Lions are looking for him!

One thing that would help him as he works towards his gridiron goals is a forever, loving, and stable family. Aiden is a teen with big talent and he has big dreams that he wants to share with potential families.

Football scouts (and hopeful families!) take note: Aiden shares his love for football.

Clearly, Aiden has the determination and skill to be a top athlete. He also has the attitude to power his success. His positive attitude will also help him when becoming a member of a new family. According to one of his close adults, “Aiden is helpful, well-mannered and very positive. Aiden loves to try anything once and strives to be the very best at everything he does. He is a very vibrant individual with a smile that can light up the sky.”

Aiden C010588 Rookie Card Graphic.jpg Finding a forever family would make this talented athlete dance in the end zone!

Aiden jokes that any families that don’t like football can “kick rocks.” While we’re sure he’d be happy to teach families who aren’t as into it as he is, football is more than just a sport to Aiden. It’s a way that he hopes to connect with a future family – opening up a line of communication and an easy way to spend time together. Beyond that, football is Aiden’s way to cope with life’s stressors. When he’s upset, he takes it out on the field. A family that understands and supports that will be perfect for Aiden.

Aiden C010588 Quote Graphic.jpg Aiden hopes to find a family that enjoys football as much as he does.

If Aiden’s football plans in life get fumbled, he has a back up. He’d like to become a therapist so that he can help others. That’s a plan that really shows you Aiden’s good heart. He’s been through a lot in his life, and he knows he has what it takes to help others overcome obstacles like he has. He has a sense of humor, too. He jokes that if being in the NFL doesn’t work out, and if he doesn’t become a therapist, he’ll be flipping burgers. We think whatever this determined teen sets his mind to will be a success.

Aiden can put in the practice and give himself a leg up on his future plans, but having a forever family to cheer him on would make all the difference.