Avion is a true MVP. He’s got serious skills when it comes to sports. His favorites are basketball and football, but his athletic interests don’t stop there. Give him a soccer ball – even a bowling ball – and he’ll be happy to show you how it’s done.

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Avion is not just a Most Valuable Player; he also has a Most Valuable Personality. “I am friendly, warm, easy to get along with, respectful and outgoing,” says Avion.

You can’t help but smile when you’re around him. He is funny, outgoing, gregarious and has a natural talent for making everyone around him smile and laugh. He is caring, too. He wants to become a police officer or social worker when he grows up “because I like to help other children and adults.” He’d certainly help a family and would appreciate them forever. “I just want a family to call my own, and I would do anything to make them happy,” says Avion.

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As Avion says in his video, this is the perfect time for a family to show up for him. “It’s important to me to get adopted,” says Avion, “so I can have a family that I can talk to when I’m upset and talk to a family about how my day went.” It’s a small ask, really. He just wants a family that will be there, laugh with him, probably play sports with him (or at least cheer him on), and – most importantly – just show up.

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